MPDV White Papers

Our white papers feature relevant topics related to Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Industry 4.0 and more. Typical content are specialist articles, product information, expert interviews or useful checklists for everyday business.

Below, you can conveniently download PDF versions of our white papers.

Cover White Paper Smart Factory Hive
Smart Factory Hive

In the Smart Factory Hive white paper, we present each individual layer in detail. You will also find striking examples of how the Smart Factory Hive meets the requirements of different target Groups.

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Whitepaper Manufacturing IT Promoting Sustainability
Manufacturing IT Promoting Sustainability

This white paper deals with various aspects of sustainability in the smart factory. With the right IT solutions, you can optimize your production in terms of ecology, economy and long-term effects.

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Whitepaper Modelling instead of programming
Modelling instead of programming

The whitepaper explains, how to easily deal with individual requirements for manufacturing IT. Using practical examples, you will learn about modern methods such as low-code and no-code.

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Whitepaper Smart Factory Development Suite
Smart Factory Development Suite

The whitepaper explains, what options the Smart Factory Development Suite offers for customizing MPDV solutions. Get to know the innovative mechanisms behind the software.

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Whitepaper Platforms and Ecosystems
Platforms and Ecosystems

The whitepaper explains why an integration platform is the right choice for the smart factory. Because not every digital platform is suitable for meeting the specific requirements of manufacturing IT.

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Whitepaper Controlling Production with KPIs
Controlling Production with KPIs

The whitepaper shows how you can use KPIs to ensure more transparency in the shop floor and thus also increase your productivity. We also present important key figures in detail.

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Whitepaper From the 4-Stage Model to a Control Loop of the Smart Factory
From the 4-Stage Model to a Control Loop of the Smart Factory

The whitepaper explains how the four-step Smart Factory model has evolved and what steps you should take to transform your factory into a Smart Factory.

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Whitepaper HYDRA for Life Science
HYDRA for Life Science

The whitepaper shows you how you can produce more efficiently as a regulated manufacturing company while complying with all regulatory requirements. Get to know the new industry solution HYDRA for Life Science.

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Whitepaper Smart Factory Elements
Smart Factory Elements

This white paper gives you a brief insight on the model Smart Factory Elements. You get to know how it can help you formulate your manufacturing IT needs in a contemporary way.

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Whitepaper The functionally linked factory
The functionally linked factory

In this white paper you learn more about stage 4 of the Smart Factory. Find out, how IT systems can be connected to an MES in order to correlate data in real time and support optimizations in production.

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Whitepaper Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP)
Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP)

Read this white paper to find out how a software architecture that is open in all directions will meet future production IT requirements. Get to know the structure and advantages of the MIP.

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Whitepaper The autonomous factory
The autonomous factory

In this white paper you learn more about stage 3 on your way to the Smart Factory and how to effectively implement control loops and transform your employee into an "Augmented Operator".

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Whitepaper The reactive factory
The reactive factory

This white paper deals with stage 2 of the Smart Factory. Find out how to produce even more efficiently with a realistic, detailed planning and production control and how to react to malfunctions at an early stage.

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Whitepaper Smart Factory in four steps
Smart Factory in four steps

In this white paper you get to know the 4-stage-model "Smart Factory". This white paper outlines in detail stage 1 "The Transparent factory" and why data collection and evaluation of KPIs are crucial for efficient production.

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