Training – Greater Knowledge for Greater Success
We make you fit for the future
With our systems you can monitor, control and optimize your entire production. You use the system to plan simple operations or complex production orders. To make all this possible, the MES HYDRA, the APS FEDRA and the MIP combine numerous functions. Knowing and managing these functions takes practice.
Since no one knows our products as well as we do, our experts pass on their know-how to you directly at first hand. You will learn in our training courses how to use the functions efficiently and accurately - and at the same time get the most out of our systems.
An investment in knowledge pays the best returns.
Benjamin Franklin
Find your training and book it!
Are you a HYDRA 8 user? You can find more information as well as the HYDRA 8 training courses on myMPDV customer portal.
Conducted in
3 different language
German, English, Chinese
(Further language upon request)
training centers
Mosbach, Hamm, Munich, Singapore, Shanghai, Chicago
50 +
training courses
Standard training courses and individual ones
Some good reasons for training
- Hands-on learning with virtual training systems
- Professional trainers with years of experience
- Standardized content, proven knowledge transfer
- A wide range of topics for purposeful learning
- International – worldwide training centers, multiple training languages
Target group
- Users / Key users
- Advanced users
- Project managers
- Administrators
- Developers

Show what you can do!
Commitment must be rewarded: With a certification, we attest your acquired expertise: You can also demonstrate that you are composed facing any challenge in your daily work. You will become a sought-after expert in your company and advance your career.
The MPDV Certification Days offer the opportunity to get certified as a Certified Specialist or Certified Solution Developer.
The right training for everyone!
Target group: users, e.g. key users, administrators, project managers
Format: online / in-house
Duration: 1 – 7 days
Training content:
Classic courses with different focal points that teach you how to use the standard software with the product itself.
- Hands-on working with the software
- Get to know the functions and how to operate them
- Make your own configurations
Target group: Developer
Format: online / in-house
Duration: 1 – 7 days
Training content:
Plan, develop and implement customizations for your company
- Develop components for HYDRA - from label design to mobile applications
- Develop and design your own applications
- Customize existing functions
- Customize interfaces
Target group: users
Format: online
Duration: 4 hours
Training content: Various subjects from everyday production, e.g. administration of the ERP interface or optimum machine connection with HYDRA.
- Best practice and gain useful background knowledge
- Practical examples
- Interactive exchange
- Information on live classes
Target group: users, developers
Format: online / in-house
Duration: by agreement
Training content:
You tell us your preferred content and duration - we prepare an individual training and adapt it to your needs.
- Specific knowledge transfer with regard to your questions
- Get to know customer-specific applications
You have question on MPDV training courses? We are happy to support you!
Simply describe your concern in the contact form or get in touch with us personally. You can contact us at trainings@mpdv.com or by telephone +49 6261 9209-0. For training in the US, please contact +01 708 966 4290 or trainings.usa@mpdv.com. Do you know already what training course might be of interest to you? Then book the training easily at our web shop.