Smart Factory Cloud Services
On cloud nine in five days
We at MPDV support you with our Smart Factory Cloud Services – to guarantee secure operation, also with regard to cyberattacks. We get your production IT to the cloud in just five days.
#WeCreateSmartFactories #SmartFactoryCloudService #MESCloud #SmartFactory
Jürgen Petzel, Chief Sales Officer at MPDV, explains what this means:
"Our SaaS offer is available: We make sure your production IT is running on a server in the cloud. This relieves your IT department, you can keep an eye on costs and focus on your production processes."
Everything about Smart Factory Cloud Services
- Providing and operating used software solutions in the cloud
- Connecting the client environment and integration into ERP systems
- Connecting other cloud systems by means of MPDV's cloud adapter
- Constant updating and maintenance of all system components (incl. operating system and database) operated in the cloud.
- Installation and operation of the clients and components to collect data
- Select from standard packages of the respective solution
- Monthly payment
- Minimum term: 12 months
- Optional services to connect external systems and equipment
Cloud computing is the use of computer resources that are not located in your local data center. The resources are operated anywhere usually by external service providers. In general, you can access these resources via the Internet.
Edge computing stands for local computer resources operated at the edge of your network infrastructure. In the Smart Factory, such components are in most cases directly located in the shop floor or at least close to it. These edge components communicate with resources in the cloud and ensure that local processing continues even if the connection to the cloud is disrupted.
SaaS stands for Software as a Service. In this case, a service provider offers to use software applications as a service. To use online services, you need an Internet-capable computer and an Internet connection to the external IT service provider. Users access the software via a web browser in the majority of cases.
MPDV's SaaS offer is called Smart Factory Cloud Services. We run our software solutions MES HYDRA, APS FEDRA and the Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP) for you in the cloud.
Would you like more information? We are happy to help.
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