Operator Guidance

MPDV Mikrolab GmbH

Process-oriented Operator Guidance

Manufacturing products with a high number of variants requires a dedicated system that shows assembly employees the next step in the process. The mApp Operator Guidance provides functions for operator guidance or in other words an operator assistance system that visualizes step by step what needs to be done. In addition, the application continuously collects production data entered by the operator or automatically transferred by the system.

The operator guidance system can also connect peripheral devices such as a pick-by-light system or an intelligent screwdriver. Flexible user interfaces provide ergonomic user interaction. You can display individual texts, detailed documents, images or videos. Ensure that operators are assembling the right parts by scanning part identifiers and serial numbers.

Your benefits

Support your assembly employees with process-oriented work instructions to correctly assemble a product with a large number of variants step by step. Operator guidance eliminates long training periods.

Operator Guidance promotes sustainability


If multiple variants of a product are manufactured on the same production line, you must ensure that the operators always use the correct materials and process them in the right way. The digital Operator Guidance supports the operators enabling even less trained staff to work on the line. Training periods can be significantly reduced thus counteracting the shortage of skilled labor. 

Technical information

The mApp Assembly Operator Guidance is part of the Assembly Management category of HYDRA X. Distributed Edge Computing (DEC) is used for data collection and the connection of peripherals. 

The mApp uses data of the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).

Operator Guidance in the MIP ecosystem

The operator guidance is based on process models that are also used for assembly control. MPDV also offers the following mApps for this purpose:

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