Smart Factory Glossar

Manufacturing Integration Platform / MIP – Smart Factory Glossar

The Manufacturing Integration Platform, or MIP for short, is an open platform for manufacturing. The integration platform was introduced by MPDV in 2018 and serves as a central information and data hub in production. The MIP, which is a semantic platform, provides an open link between the shop floor, manufacturing IT applications and the ERP system. The MIP incorporates all processes associated with production. All applications communicate with each other using a common information model, thereby ensuring full interoperability, no matter how dissimilar each application may be.

Customers using the MIP Integration Platform have the option of configuring a system that exactly meets the requirements of their production. Users are not tied to a single vendor: They can combine apps (mApps) from different manufacturers on the MIP. Consequently, the vendor lock-in effect that was common in the past is eliminated.

Examples for MIP applications

Since an mApp consists of anything that communicates with the MIP via the services offered, the applications are very diverse. For example:

  • A machine control system uses PLCs to retrieve data of orders currently logged on to the machine and displays the data on the integrated operator display.
  • A planning application from an ERP package analyzes pending orders and operations, puts them in the best possible sequence, and then uploads it to the MIP with updated schedules.
  • A mobile app for smartphone or tablet accesses the MIP data, generates KPIs and visualizes them on dashboards.

MIP Marketplace and MIP Ecosystem

The MIP Marketplace is similar to an app store, where the user can download the required applications. Here you can find not only all mApps from MPDV, but also applications from third-party providers. Companies look for mApps that best meet their specific requirements. Even if the mApps from the different providers cover a similar range of functions, they differ in nuances.

All partners who offer their applications on the MIP Marketplace, belong to the MIP ecosystem, which is growing steadily. About fifty companies are currently part of the MIP ecosystem. Manufacturing companies can also develop their own applications thanks to the Software Development Kit (SDK) and operate them as an individual standard solution. Because the Manufacturing Integration Platform already provides the data structures and basic functions, companies save time and costs in the process.

Platform-based MES HYDRA X and APS FEDRA

The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) HYDRA X  and also the Advanced Planning and Scheduling System (APS) FEDRA use the MIP as the basis. This has the advantage that companies can opt for exactly the MES and APS functions they need. If further mApps should later prove to be useful, they can be easily connected at any time.

The manufacturing apps from MPDV cover the entire functional scope of manufacturing management systems defined in VDI Guideline 5600 and actually go far beyond it. Each manufacturing app can be assigned to a specific area according to the Control loop "Smart Factory Elements". MPDV has also thematically grouped all mApps of MES HYDRA X and APS FEDRA into categories.

The manufacturing apps of MES HYDRA X are assigned to the following categories:

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about the Manufacturing Integration Platform

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