Incentive & Premium Wage

MPDV Mikrolab GmbH

Incentive and premium wage based on reliable data

The mApp Incentive & Premium Wage provides numerous functions to manage and implement performance-related wages for your employees. The application calculates, for example, person-related wage components such as piecework or time wages based on transactions. Use order-related data and working times as well as automatically recorded machine data for calculation. 

You specify limits of efficiency rates and factors so everything runs according to the rules. You can also settle deviations that are beyond your employees' control (e.g. late material deliveries) with extra pay. In addition, you keep an eye on the calculation of performance-related wage components thanks to various evaluation functions.

Optional functions

  • Set up premium groups and allow indirect employees to share in the group's earnings
  • Calculate incentive and premium wage based on formulas

Your benefits

The calculation of performance-related wages runs automatically and is based on reliable data.

Incentive & Premium Wage promotes sustainability

If you digitalize the calculation of incentive wages, it saves a lot of paper, because wage slips need no longer be printed. Moreover, the application Incentive & Premium Wage itself motivates employees to achieve good and therefore sustainable results.

Technical information

The mApp Incentive & Premium Wage is part of the HR Management category of HYDRA X.

The mApp uses data of the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).

Incentive & Premium Wage in the MIP ecosystem

The calculation of performance-related pay is based on recorded actual data and can be traced at any time. MPDV also offers the following mApps for this purpose:

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