Work Order Execution

MPDV Mikrolab GmbH

Collect shop floor and order data

True transparency is only possible in the shop floor if you collect your operational and order data digitally and in real time. The mApp Work Order Execution allows you to do just that: you can log on, log off, and interrupt operations. You can also collect part quantities.

The software collects the posting times as well as yields, scrap quantities, rework quantities and/or open quantities of different qualities including reasons for it. The posting time is the basis to determine the duration, which the system posts to the RPAs. You can configure these RPAs as you wish.

You can also define an automatic notification for selected events. The mApp contains an order overview, a list of planned, logged on and completed operations. There is also a shift-related display of completed operations with KPIs such as efficiency, scrap rate and performance level.

Optional functions

  • Collect order data for specific persons, e.g. as basis for incentive or premium payments
  • Compare order postings of specific persons to working times

Your benefits

Increase transparency with this application and maintain an overview of your production orders and operations at all times. Collected data is the basis for production controlling.

Work Order Execution promotes sustainability

Providing order-related documents digitally for the paperless factory promotes sustainability.
Improving production control saves time and money. Plausibility checks minimize errors, automatic notifications in case of specified events and an overview of the current production status allow for efficient production routines.

Technical information

The mApp Work Order Execution is part of the Order Management category of HYDRA X.

The mApp uses and stores data in the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).

Work Order Execution in the MIP ecosystem

Collect and evaluate shop floor data based on managed production orders and operations. MPDV also offers the following mApps for this purpose:

#datamanagement # dsfm # digitalization #smartfactory #hydra